Judge won't resolve tribal claims in gold mine case

A federal judge says he is unable to come to a ruling in a case the Fort Belknap Tribes brought over two abandoned gold mines near the reservation.

The suit claimed the Bureau of Land Management violated its trust responsibility in its handling of the Zortman-Landusky gold mines. But the judge said the tribes failed to challenge a specific agency action.

BLM has approved a reclamation plan for the mines, which the tribes are challenging. The tribes also have lawsuits in state and federal court over the cleanup.

The mines are located on land that was once part of the reservation. Waste from the mines has contaminated waters on the reservation.

Get the Story:
Judge won't rule on gold mine suit (The Great Falls Tribune 7/2)

Relevant BLM Documents:
Record of Decision | Final Environmental Impact Statement

Relevant Links:
Fort Belknap Community Council -

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