IHS competitive epidemiology grant applications

The Indian Health Service is accepting competitive cooperative agreement applications for the Epidemiology Grant Program for American Indians/Alaska Natives and Urban Indian communities.

The purpose of the program is to develop tribal epidemiology centers. There are currently six centers throughout Indian Country, and the Bush administration has requested more funds to expand the program.

Activities of the centers include surveillance for disease conditions, epidemiological analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of surveillance data, investigation of disease outbreaks, development and implementation of epidemiological studies, development and implementation of disease control and prevention programs, and coordination of activities with other public health authorities in the region.

Applications are due July 30, 2004. The awards will be made in September.

Get the Story:
Epidemiology Grant Program for American Indians/Alaska Natives; Notice of Competitive Cooperative Agreement Applications (June 29, 2004)

Relevant Links:
American Indian & Alaska Native (AI/AN) Epidemiology Centers -

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