British Columbia First Nations thwart move of orca

Members of two First Nations in British Columbia thwarted the move of a orca they believe is the spiritual embodiment of a late tribal chief.

Scientists set up a pen to capture the killer whale, nicknamed Tsuxit, or Luna. But war canoes from the two First Nations, singing songs and using drums, lured Tsuxit away.

Tsuxit appeared in Nootka Sound a few years ago shortly after the death of Chief Ambrose Maquinna. Chief Mike Maquinna, Maquinna's son, encouraged the protest yesterday.

Get the Story:
Drums, songs lure orca from scientists (CBC 6/16)
Local Indians lure Luna out to sea (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 6/17)
Is orca reincarnated native chief? (MSNBC 6/17)
Paddlers led Luna out to sea to thwart capture (AP 6/17)

Relevant Links:
Reunite Luna, pro-move campaign -