White House tells agencies to make budget cuts

The White House Office of Management and Budget has told federal agencies to plan for a $2.3 billion in budget cuts, The Washington Post reports.

Most of the cuts affect domestic programs and were outlined in a computer printout made public earlier this year. Bureau of Indian Affairs head Dave Anderson has already been told to expect a 2.4 percent cut, which amounts to $80 million in actual dollars.

Some of the other cuts include a $122 million reduction for the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program, a $177 million reduction for Head Start, and a $53 million cut in a homeownershp program touted by President Bush.

Get the Story:
2006 Cuts In Domestic Spending On Table (The Washington Post 5/27)

Relevant Documents:
Lynn Scarlett Memo (March 12, 2004) | Tribal Leaders Letter to President Bush (March 23, 2004)

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