Police raid casino offices, chairwoman's home

Federal agents raided the offices of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, the home of chairwoman Priscilla Hunter and the homes of other tribal officials on Tuesday.

Tribal and law enforcement sources said the raid is connected to allegations of misuse of tribal funds by Hunter and other top officials. One tribal member said as much as $1 million may have been misused.

The casino remains open as the targets appeared to be administrative offices within the building. Hunter said her family, including two children, was subjected to excessive force by federal agents.

Hunter and others said they couldn't comment on the raid because no one was arrested and the search warrant was sealed.

Get the Story:
Feds raid Coyote Valley (The Ukiah Daily Journal 5/26)
Police raid Ukiah casino (The Santa Rosa Press Democrat 5/26)
Excessive force used in the execution of a search warrant at the home of Coyote Valley Band of POMO Indians Tribal Chairwoman Priscilla Hunter (Coyote Valley 5/25)

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