Parade Magazine: Future Generations Riders

Parade Magazine's May 16 edition featured a cover story on the Future Generations Ride to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

The ran began as a memorial to Chief Big Foot, who fled to the reservation in the wake of Chief Sitting Bull's death in 1890. U.S. soldiers massacred Big Foot and his band at Wounded Knee on December 29.

The ride was held for five years to the 100th anniversary in 1990. It is now called the Future Generations Ride to encourage young Lakotas to remember their ancestors.

Parade Magazine's website won't have the full article posted until next week but the site has an audio slideshow of the ride.

Get the Story:
Parade Magazine (May 16, 2004)

Relevant Links:
Big Foot Memorial Ride 2000: Sioux Falls Argus Leader -