Dodd says Anderson recusal came out of nowhere

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) says he is puzzled by assistant secretary Dave Anderson's decision to recuse himself on all federal recognition matters.

Dodd says he met with Anderson during the confirmation process. He told The Hartford Courant that Anderson "never once spoke of recusing himself, and I simply can't understand why this was never disclosed by the administration or by him during his confirmation hearings."

During his October 22, 2003, confirmation hearing, Anderson said he would recuse himself from any matters dealing with former business partners. One issue was the recognition of two Nipmuc tribes from Massachusetts. Another issue was a land-into-trust request for a casino in New York.

Dodd and other critics from Connecticut say he should resign because of his broad recusal.

Get the Story:
BIA Leader Pressured (The Hartford Courant 5/7)

Relevant Documents:
Anderson - Norton Recusal Memos (April 2004)

Confirmation Hearing:
Senate Indian Affairs Committee (October 22, 2003)

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