HUD report finds Lumbee Tribe broke housing rules

A monitoring report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development has found that the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina violated federal rules, The Fayetteville Observer reports.

The HUD report found eight violations connected to the tribe's recent purchase of 30 mobile homes for $475,000. The report says the tribe didn't properly advertise or solicit bids for the project. There is also evidence the tribe paid too much for land it purchased for housing subdivisions.

The report was requested by chairman Jimmy Goins, who fired the tribal administrator over concerns about the housing program. The tribe has until May 21 to explain the land purchase.

In related Lumbee housing news, the tribe has qualified for HUD's Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program, or Section 184.

Get the Story:
HUD: Lumbee housing program broke rules (The Fayetteville Observer 4/30)
Tribal council qualifies for home loan program (The Fayetteville Observer 4/30)<

Relevant Links:
Official Lumbee Tribe website -