Editorial: Mediation important step in Cobell case

The appointment of two mediators in the Cobell Indian trust fund case is "the first real breakthrough since the suit was filed eight years ago," The Denver Post says in an editorial.

The plaintiffs and the Bush administration agreed to have former federal judge Charles B. Renfrew and professional mediator John G. Bickerman serve as mediators. The paper says Congress should ensure the Department of Interior will accept what the two suggest.

The paper also says Congress must act in other ways, including the expansion of the land consolidation program. The Bush administration has requested $70 million to purchase small ownerships from individual Indians and return them to tribal ownership.

Get the Story:
Editorial: A break in Indian trust case (The Denver Post 4/18)

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Bickerman Dispute Resolution -
Cobell v. Norton, Department of Justice -
Indian Trust, Department of Interior -

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