Massacre nearly destroyed northern Calif. tribe

Stirred by greed and anti-Indian sentiments, six men nearly wiped out the Wiyot Tribe of California in February 1860.

Tribal members gathered on an island that was home to the village of Tuluwat, the center of the Wiyot universe. They were getting ready to hold the weeklong world renewal ceremony.

They were interrupted by six men, known to be local landowners and businessmen, who murdered at least 60 women, children and elders. As many as 200 may have been killed that February 26 night. Only one newborn child survived.

The massacre on Indian Island was devastating to the tribe, whose population dwindled to about 200. Tribal members were removed to an Army fort and later to other tribes' reservation. The tribe was eventually terminated but regained federal status in 1990.

The tribe has since been able to reacquire Tuluwat. Although the renewal ceremony hasn't been performed since the massacre, the tribe is planning to restart it.

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In 1860 six murderers nearly wiped out the Wiyot Indian tribe (The San Francisco Chronicle 2/28)

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