Indian business group joins minority coalition

News from the National Indian Business Association.

The National Indian Business Association has joined forces with the National Minority Compliance Board (NMCB) to monitor and report on the minority and Native American purchasing activities of major corporations and government. Pete Homer, NIBA president and CEO, feels this is a necessary step in order to keep and to create new jobs in Indian Country.

The NMCB represents three other minority business associations representing African-Americans, Pacific Asians and East Asians, and Hispanics. Together with these representative associations, NIBA believes that it can assist in monitoring big business and government in awarding contracts to their association members and suppliers to bring in capital and jobs to Indian Country.

In a time where political clout and buying power continues to increase within Indian Country, NIBA is at the forefront of monitoring those big businesses and government who aren�t meeting their ten percent minority purchase goal for government contractors, as passed in Public Law 99-661 in 1986, said Homer. To this day, total sourcing to minority-owned, and Native-owned companies remain at less than three percent. NIBA feels it is a good time to join with these minority associations and see that corporations and government follow public law.

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