Wife of tribal foe charged in eco-terror case

The wife of a major opponent of the Makah Nation's whale hunt was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly lying to a federal grand jury.

Allison Lance Watson faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for making false statements in connection with a federal grand jury investigation into an eco-terror attack. The attack does not appear to be related to the tribe but animal rights activist have targeted the tribe in the past.

Watson is the wife of Paul Watson, who spearheaded international protests against the tribe's exercise of its treaty rights. Watson and his Sea Shepherd Conservation Society maintain their opposition to the hunt but have not made a physical presence on the reservation in recent years.

Paul Watson claims to have served as a medic at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, in 1973

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Animal-rights activist arrested (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1/15)