Opinion: Support return of land to Suquamish Tribe

The return of the home of Chief Sealth to the Suquamish Tribe of Washington is a signal for peace, two supporters say in an editorial.

Ted George, a tribal elder, and Sarah Ruth van Gelder, a non-Indian who lives on a reservation, are founders of the Suquamish Olalla Neighbors. The group is backing the Suquamish Tribe's proposal to manage a state park where Chief Sealth's longhouse is located.

"The tribe is requesting the return of Old Man House Park, not as a hostile takeover but with a commitment to maintain the park as a location of singular historic and cultural importance -- and to continue to keep it open as a park, accessible to all," George and van Gelder say.

Some non-Indians are opposing the tribe's proposal.

Get the Story:
Opinion: Return of Sealth's home hopeful sign (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1/8)

Relevant Links:
Suquamish Tribe - http://www.suquamish.nsn.us
Suquamish Olalla Neighbors - http://www.soneighbors.org

Related Stories:
Suquamish Tribe wants to manage state park (11/17)
Non-Indians oppose tribal control of Wash. park (07/16)