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Indian Eddie: Indian Country lost with Bush victory

"Color Nov. 2 black. Just about every ballot issue or candidate who could have benefited American Indians was beaten down convincingly, after brainwashed Bible thumpers and rubes had their way.


In Albuquerque, voters overwhelmingly passed a bond issue that approves millions of dollars of funding to build a road through Petroglyph National Monument, on land considered sacred to American Indians. Because such a measure failed last October, it's only fair to stage a special election in October 2005 to reconsider.

In South Dakota, Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle, who worked hard for Indians and lobbied President Bush personally for more money for the Indian Health Service, was sent packing in an upset by fresh-face John Thune, who has no clout in Washington.

In Oklahoma, former U.S. Rep. Brad Carson, an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation who strived to obtain funds for the Indian Health Service while in office, was routed by Republican Tom Coburn for the state's vacant Senate spot. Coburn was quoted during the campaign as saying federal treaties with tribes were "primitive agreements" and sovereignty was "a joke."

In California, voters shot down an initiative that would have allowed more gambling and given the state's poor tribes a source of income. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger opposed the initiative, yet wants more money from Indians. Schwarzenegger says tribes must come to him to negotiate better gambling contracts; tribes say he should come to them, or they'll just wait until he's out of office."

Get the Story:
Eddie Chuculate: Our gloom: American Indians lost out as Bush won on that dark Tuesday (The Albuquerque Tribune 11/10)

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