A Ponca chief who refused to be removed from his homeland could appear on Nebraska's commemorative quarter.
A design featuring Chief Standing Bear, Chimney Rock and the state Capitol was among the five finalists selected by the Nebraska quarter committee yesterday. Native journalist Jodi Rave Lee made the presentation in support of the design.
"You can't tell the history of the West without depicting Native Americans as part of the landscape. It is a strong image. It will separate Nebraska from other states. We have not seen Native Americans depicted in (coins from) other states, so far," she was quoted as saying.
Standing Bear was one of several Poncas who were arrested for trying to return to Nebraska after being forced to go to Oklahoma. He went to federal court to seek his freedom and the judge in the case issued a landmark ruling that said Indians had individual rights.
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Quarter options narrowed to five
(The Lincoln Journal Star 9/3)
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