Kerry Samples State (The Albuquerque Journal 8/9)
Kerry stresses Native American issues (The Arizona Republic 8/9)
Kerry Stumps for N.M. Votes (The Washington Post 8/9)
Kerry Pledges to Honor Indian Treaties (AP 8/9)
Kerry seeks Indian votes (The Arizona Republic 8/8) Relevant Links:
Kerry/Edwards Campaign - http://www.johnkerry.com/index.html Related Stories:
Kerry touts agenda of inclusion at UNITY (8/6)
Kerry, Powell to address minority journalists (8/5)
Kerry to focus on Indian issues during Southwest trip (8/5)
Indian issues share spotlight at Democratic convention (07/29)
Kerry's sister campaigns on Montana reservations (07/20)
Navajo Nation voters chose Kerry in Ariz. primary (2/12)
Kerry criticizes cut to Indian small business program (02/05)
Navajo president attends Kerry rally in N.M. (2/3)
Kennedy meets with tribal leaders to promote Kerry (2/2)
Democrats turn to states with key Indian votes (1/28)
Democrat presidential hopefuls eye Indian voters (11/18)