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Walk planned in protest of Leech Lake youth series

American Indian Movement founder Dennis Banks is planning a four-day walk on the Leech Lake Reservation in Minnesota in protest of a newspaper series that detailed problems facing youth on the reservation.

Banks said The Minneapolis Star Tribune series, "The Lost Youth of Leech Lake," implied that all youth are abusing drugs and/or alcohol. He said his four-day walk around Leech Lake will be positive. Banks was born on the reservation and lives there.

The series has sparked strong reactions, some critical of the way the paper focused on violence, drug and other problems. But others praised the paper for highlighting the issue.

Get the Story:
AIM founder plans walk to show all youth aren't 'lost' (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 5/5)
Letter: Report the successes [see third item] (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 5/5)

Full Series:
The lost youth of Leech Lake | Slide Shows | Discussion Forum | About this series | Editor's Note

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