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Tribes reluctantly take part in Lewis-Clark events

For many tribes, the Lewis and Clark expedition signaled the end of their way of life. As the United States pushed to the west, they lost their homelands. Many were removed to Oklahoma.

So it's not surprising that some tribes aren't exactly jumping at the chance to participate in the bicentennial commemoration of the event. It took a year to convince the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma to take part.

Organizers are paying special attention to the tribes that were among the first to meet Lewis and Clark. The Otoe-Missouria, the Osage, the Shawnee and the Kickapoo are being invited to events in Kansas and Nebraska. They say its time to tell their side of the story.

Amy Mossett, a member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation of North Dakota, serves as the tribal involvement coordinator for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial. She is working to ensure tribes are involved and that their concerns are addressed. She has increased tribal participation from 13 tribes to 40.

Get the Story:
Coming home: Displaced tribes taking part in Lewis and Clark Bicentennial (The Billings Gazette 4/27)
Native woman works to get tribes involved (The Billings Gazette 4/27)