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Tribes aim to revive Mohegan-Pequot language

Connecticut's two federally recognized tribes are working on programs to revitalize the Mohegan-Pequot language.

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation adopted a language revitalization strategic plan last fall and agreed to fund the project for at least three years, The New London Day reports. Two linguists are working with 25 tribal members who will learn the language and teach it to others.

The Mohegan Tribe has some members working on the language but is not as far along as the Pequot Tribe. According to The Day, the effort has been hampered by disagreements over how to proceed.

The Mohegan-Pequot language belongs to the Algonquin family of languages and is closely related to languages of tribes in New England. The last fluent speaker of the language was a member of the Mohegan Tribe who died about 100 years ago.

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