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Editorial: Campbell true to form -- he has none

"[Ben Nighthorse] Campbell's strengths and attractive features have been consistent throughout all that time: his rags to riches personal story, independent nature, dedication to personal liberty, allegiance to the rights and causes of Native Americans, loyalty to the farmers and ranchers of the West, and hostility to those bent on ending the federal government's historic multiple use mandate for public lands or encroaching upon state water rights.

But Campbell's consistent weaknesses have been all too evident as well. Most notably, he is simply not identified as a leading proponent of a position on any major national issue - and never has been, whether as a Democrat or Republican. Perhaps that failure is explained by a lack of strong beliefs and political ballast. For example, he received an "F" and "D" from the National Taxpayers Union the last two years he was a Democrat but a "B" the very next year, his first as a Republican. The issues hadn't changed; only Campbell's party loyalty had. One day he was supporting higher taxes and centralized health-care initiatives; the next day, surrounded by a new set of political colleagues, he found both higher taxes and nationalized medicine unpalatable."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Sen. Campbell, ever true to form (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 3/4)

Relevant Documents:
Campbell Statement | White House Statement | Reaction to Campbell's Decision | Sen. Wayne Allard

Relevant Links:
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell -

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