The common council in Kenosha, Wisconsin, voted 12-2 on a resolution supporting the Menominee Nation off-reservation casino.
The council will send a letter to Gov. Scott Walker (R), asking him to approve the casino. Members also want a sit-down meeting to discuss the project.
"It’s all about jobs, money, and moving Wisconsin forward. We’ve gone from being an industrial town to a bedroom community, and we’re hurting. We want to send a message to the governor that Kenosha voted for it twice," Alderperson Patrick Juliana said at a council meeting, KenoWi reported.
Resolution approved urging governor to ok Kenosha casino (KenoWi 1/7) Related Stories:
Letter: Menominee Nation off-reservation casino will create jobs (1/7)
Waker has laid out tough criteria for off-reservation casinos. Among other factors, he says all tribes in the state must agree to new development.
Get the Story:Resolution approved urging governor to ok Kenosha casino (KenoWi 1/7) Related Stories:
Letter: Menominee Nation off-reservation casino will create jobs (1/7)
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