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Letter: Menominee Nation off-reservation casino will aid economy

Filed Under: Opinion
More on: fcpt, menominee, off-reservation, scott walker, wisconsin
"It seems all other casinos in Wisconsin have no problem with a casino in Kenosha except the Potawatomi tribe in Milwaukee. Gov. Walker should realize that he is the governor of Wisconsin and not the Potawatomi tribe. Gov. Walker is giving them the control they have strived for all along.

We need the jobs here in Kenosha and a casino would do just that. We have tried to “beautify” the downtown area in hopes that it would improve Kenosha. However, it has provided very few jobs and most of the new stores have not been able to stay open long enough to realize much profit so they just close up."

Get the Story:
Carol Shinske: Casino would bring more jobs to Kenosha (The Kenosha news 1/6)

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