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Top Story of 1999: The Trust Fund Fiasco

Decisions / Goverment Documents
Opinion: Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Eloise Pepion Cobell, et al., v. Bruce Babbitt, Lawrence Summers, Kevin Gover
Lamberth's ruling: "It would be difficult to find a more historically mismanaged federal program than the Individual Indian Money (IIM) trust." Lamberth stays jurisdiction over the accounts to the government, appointing himself to oversee reforms. (12/21/99)
Memorandum and Order Eloise Pepion Cobell, et al., v. Bruce Babbitt, Lawrence Summers, Kevin Gover
Lamberth rejects Plaintiffs motion to put trust fund accounts into receivership. (12/21/99)
Memorandum and Order by Judge Lamberth Eloise Pepion Cobell, et al., v. Bruce Babbitt, Lawrence Summers, Kevin Gover
Summary of document destruction by the Treasury Department. (12/6/99)
Recommendation & Report of the Special Master Eloise Pepion Cobell, et al., v. Bruce Babbitt, Lawrence Summers, Kevin Gover
Full report by the Special Master regarding document destruction and the history of contempt charges against the Treasury Department. (12/6/99)

Indian Trust Fund Mismanagement
Brought to you by NARF, the organization responsible for bringing the case to the courts. Includes Q&A and a timeline.
US District Court for the District of Columbia
All trust fund litigation occurs here. Judge Royce Lamberth presiding.

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