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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amends the Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) for Managing Air Emissions from True Minor Sources in Indian Country in the Oil and Natural Gas Production and Natural Gas Processing Segments of the Oil and Natural Gas Sector (National O&NG FIP) and the Federal Minor New Source Review (NSR) Program in Indian Country. This final rule allows for concurrent, rather than sequential, submission of two sets of documents: the Part 1 Registration Form for source registration (Part 1 Form) and documentation of completion of the screening procedures (screening procedures documentation) for the evaluation of potential impacts of proposed projects on threatened or endangered species and historic properties (protected resources). The final rule also clarifies the 30-day period before construction may begin, and the potential forms of certain written notification by the EPA Regional Office to source owner/operators. Finally, this final rule includes minor edits to correct certain erroneous citations and cross references.