Federal Register
Posted: November 8, 2019
The Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs made a final agency determination to acquire 13.3 acres, more or less, of land in trust for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation, California, for gaming and other purposes on October 7, 2019.
This notice is published in the exercise of authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs by 209 Departmental Manual 8.1, and is published to comply with the requirements of 25 CFR 151.12(c)(2)(ii) that notice of the decision to acquire land in trust be promptly provided in the Federal Register.
On October 7, 2019 the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs made a final agency determination to transfer the Section 33 Parcel consisting of approximately 13.3 acres, more or less, into trust for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation, California (Tribe), pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 25 U.S.C. 5108. The Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs also determined that the Tribe's request also meets the requirements of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act's “contiguous lands” exception, 25 U.S.C. 2719(b)(1)(a), to the general prohibition contained in 25 U.S.C. 2719(a) on gaming on lands acquired in trust after October 17, 1988.
The Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior, will immediately acquire title to the Section 33 Parcel, in the name of the United States of America in Trust for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente
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