Federal Register

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the National Park Service (NPS), are proposing to renew an information collection.

Abstract: Gathering and removing plants or plant parts is currently prohibited in National Park System areas unless specifically authorized by Federal statute or treaty rights or conducted under the limited circumstances authorized by an existing regulation codified in 36 CFR 2.1(c). Regulations codified in 36 CFR part 2 allow the gathering and removal of plants or plant parts by enrolled members of federally recognized tribes for traditional purposes. The regulations authorize agreements between the NPS and federally recognized tribes to facilitate the continuation of tribal cultural practices on lands within areas of the National Park System where those practices traditionally occurred, without causing a significant adverse impact to park resources or values. The regulations:

respect tribal sovereignty and cultural practices,

further the government-to-government relationship between the United States and the Indian Tribes,

provide system-wide consistency for this aspect of NPS-Tribal relations.

The agreements explicitly recognize the special government-to-government relationship between the United States and Indian Tribes, and are based upon mutually agreed upon terms and conditions subject to the requirements of 36 CFR 2.6(f). The agreements serve as the documents through which the NPS authorizes tribal gathering implemented by an accompanying permit authorized by 36 CFR 1.6. Only enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe are allowed to collect plants or plant parts, and the tribe must be traditionally associated with the specific park area. This traditional association must predate the establishment of the park. The plant gathering must meet a traditional purpose that is a customary activity and practice rooted in the history of the tribe and is important for the continuation of the tribe's distinct culture. Authorized plant gathering must be sustainable and may not result in a significant adverse impact on park resources or values. The sale and commercial use of plants or plant parts within areas of the National Park System will continue to be prohibited by the NPS regulations in 36 CFR 2.1(c)(3)(v).