Federal Register
Posted: September 11, 2018
This notice publishes the liquor control ordinance of the Craig Tribal Association of Craig, Alaska. The liquor control ordinance regulates and controls the possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol in conformity with the laws of the State of Alaska.
Pursuant to the Act of August 15, 1953, Public Law 82-277, 67 Stat. 5856, 18 U.S.C. 1161, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Rice V. Rehner, 463 U.S. 713 (1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall certify and publish in the Federal Register notice of adopted liquor control ordinances for the purpose of regulating liquor transactions in Indian Country. The Craig Tribal Association of Craig, Alaska duly adopted the Craig Tribal Association of Craig, Alaska's Alcohol Control Ordinance on November 14, 2017, and subsequently amended it on March 21, 2018, April 18, 2018, and June 14, 2018.
This notice is published in accordance with the authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs. I certify that the Craig Tribal Association of Craig, Alaska duly adopted by resolution the Craig Tribal Association of Craig, Alaska's Alcohol Control Ordinance enacted November 14, 2017, by Res. No. CTA 2017-43 and amended March 21, 2018, April 18, 2018, and June 14, 2018 by vote of the council to clarify language and to correct organizational errors.
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