Federal Register
Posted: August 18, 2017
This notice publishes amendments to the Santa Clara Pueblo Liquor Code (Code). The Code regulates the control, possession, and sale of liquor on the Santa Clara Pueblo trust lands, in conformity with the laws of the State of New Mexico, where applicable and necessary.
Pursuant to the Act of August 15, 1953, Public Law 83-277, 67 Stat. 586, 18 U.S.C. 1161, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Rice v. Rehner, 463 U.S. 713 (1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall certify and publish in the Federal Register notice of adopted liquor ordinances for the purpose of regulating liquor transactions in Indian country. The Santa Clara Pueblo Liquor Code, Resolution No. 2016-113, was duly adopted by the Tribal Council on September 12, 2016. The Santa Clara Pueblo, in furtherance of its economic and social goals, has taken positive steps to regulate retail sales of alcohol and use of revenues to combat alcohol abuse and its debilitating effects among individuals and family members within the reservation of Santa Clara Pueblo.
This notice is being published in accordance with the authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs (Department of Interior-Departmental Manual, 209 DM 8). I certify that Resolution No. 2016-113, the Santa Clara Pueblo Liquor Code, was duly adopted by the Tribal Council on September 12, 2016. This Code amends the previous liquor code as published in the Federal Register on June 27, 2001 (66 FR 34233).
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