Federal Register

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing a federal implementation plan (FIP) that applies to new true minor sources and minor modifications at existing true minor sources in the oil and natural gas production and natural gas processing segments of the oil and natural gas sector that are locating or expanding in Indian reservations or in other areas of Indian country over which an Indian tribe, or the EPA, has demonstrated the tribe's jurisdiction. The FIP satisfies the minor source permitting requirement under the “Federal Minor New Source Review (NSR) Program in Indian Country” (referred to as the “Federal Indian Country Minor NSR rule”). For the oil and natural gas production and natural gas processing segments of the oil and natural gas sector, the FIP requires compliance with emission limitations and other requirements from certain federal emission standards as written at the time of construction or modification for compression ignition and spark ignition engines; process heaters; combustion turbines; fuel storage tanks; glycol dehydrators; completion of hydraulically fractured oil and natural gas wells; reciprocating and centrifugal compressors (except those located at well sites); pneumatic controllers; pneumatic pumps; storage vessels; and fugitive emissions from well sites, compressor stations and natural gas processing plants.

The EPA is also finalizing several amendments to the Federal Indian Country Minor NSR rule, including adding new text regarding the purpose of the program, revising the program overview provision, revising certain provisions to incorporate compliance with the FIP, revising the applicability provision to establish that oil and natural gas sources are required to comply with the FIP unless they either opt to obtain a source-specific permit or are otherwise required to do so, and revising the source registration provision for oil and natural gas sources constructing under this FIP. Also, we are revising the applicability of the Federal Indian Country Minor NSR rule to comport with a court decision that addressed the scope of the EPA's jurisdiction to implement the Federal Indian Country Minor NSR rule in Indian country: Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality v. EPA, 740 F.3d 185 (D.C. Cir. 2014). This court decision has the same effect on the scope of the EPA's jurisdiction under the Federal Major New Source Review Program for Nonattainment Areas in Indian Country and so we are changing the applicability of the Federal Indian Country Nonattainment Major NSR rule as well.