Federal Register

This grant announcement seeks to ensure the highest possible health status for AI/ANs. Funding will be used to promote urban Indian organizations' successful implementation of the priorities of the IHS Strategic Plan 2006-2011. Additionally, funding will be utilized to meet objectives for Government Performance Results Act/Government Performance and Results Modernization Act (GPRA/GPRAMA) reporting, collaborative activities with the Veterans Health Administration, and four health programs that make health services more accessible to AI/ANs living in urban areas. The four health services programs are: (1) Health Promotion/Disease Prevention (HP/DP) services, (2) Immunizations, and Behavioral Health Services consisting of (3) Alcohol/Substance Abuse services, and (4) Mental Health Prevention and Treatment services. These programs are integral components of the IHS improvement in patient care initiative and the strategic objectives focused on improving safety, quality, affordability, and accessibility of health care.