Federal Register
Posted: April 28, 2015
Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Demonstration Grants for Indian Children program is to provide financial assistance to projects that develop, test, and demonstrate the effectiveness of services and programs to improve the educational opportunities and achievement of preschool, elementary, and secondary Indian students.
Background: The priority for Native Youth Community Projects is a new priority under the Demonstration Grants program and a major part of the Generation Indigenous (Gen-I) Initiative. These projects will provide funding to support community-driven, comprehensive projects to help American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) children become college- and career-ready.
Given the interconnectedness of in-school and out-of-school factors, the Department intends to award several grants to encourage a community-wide approach to providing academic, social, and other support services, for AI/AN students and students' family members that will result in improved educational outcomes, and specifically college- and career-readiness. Grantees' project evaluations will help inform future practices that effectively improve outcomes for AI/AN youth.
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Energy and Mineral Development Program (EMDP); Solicitation of Proposals
Public Water System Supervision Program Revisions for the Navajo Nation
Notice of Public Meeting of the Alaska Advisory Committee
Migratory Bird Hunting; Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations on Certain Federal Indian Reservations and Ceded Lands for the 2020-21 Season
Solicitation of Nominations for Membership To Serve on Tribal Advisory Council
Final Waivers and Extensions of the Project Periods for the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Training and Technical Assistance Center
Agenda and Notice of Public Meeting of the South Dakota Advisory Committee
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