COVID-19 in Indian Country
You are invited to the Association of American Indian Physicians 'Ask a Native Physician' COVID-19 Town Hall Meeting on April 29, 2020.

Join NCAI as we showcase several innovative and  forward-thinking approaches that tribal nations are deploying in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The National Congress of American Indians will host a town hall to showcase the stories from the men and women of Congress who tirelessly advocated for historic funding for Indian Country through the Third Congressional COVID-19 Package.

Welcome to FCNL's Native American Legislative Update! NALU is a monthly newsletter about FCNL's Native American policy advocacy and ways for you to engage members of Congress.

Krystal Cedeno and Wilma Noah discuss How to Manage my Stash of Cash: Managing Your Account in the latest episode of the Native Learning Center's Hoporenkv Podcast.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis and its devastating impact on Native communities, First Peoples Fund has established a Resilience Fund to provide support to Native artists who have experienced a loss of income.

Due to the uncertainty surrounding the current COVID-19 pandemic and potential of continued restrictions on large gatherings, UNITY Inc. and the Board of Trustees announces the cancellation of their in-person national conference.

The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan program within the CARES Act that allows businesses with fewer than 500 employees to apply for loans to cover payroll and other operational expenses that have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Small Business Administration released revised regulatory guidelines that permit size-eligible small gaming entities to participate in the Paycheck Protection Program.

The Small Business Administration published an interim final rule including a change to their guidance regarding the Paycheck Protection Program that would make most tribal gaming operations eligible.

A new coronavirus relief bill provides $750 million to Indian Country for COVID-19 testing and response.

The unprecedented coronavirus is creating economic hardships for indigenous populations across the country, including the Chugach Alaska Corporation region and shareholders.

Led by the National Congress of American Indians, organizations representing nearly every federally recognized tribe have submitted a brief in connection with an $8 billion coronavirus relief fund.

The Bristol Bay Native Corporation, the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, the Bristol Bay Native Association, the United Tribes of Bristol Bay and the Bristol Bay Housing Authority have developed protocols for the upcoming salmon season in Bristol Bay in Alaska.

The Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA) and the ANCSA Regional Association (ARA) are making their views known in the CARES Act lawsuit that’s headed to a major showdown in federal court.

Ahtna Inc., an Alaska Native regional corporation, has submitted a friend of the court brief in the CARES Act lawsuit that’s headed to a showdown in federal court.

The Alaska Native Village Corporation Association and the ANCSA Regional Association are seeking a voice in the CARES Act lawsuit that's headed to a major showdown in federal court.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation today announced a $4 million grant to the American Indian College Fund to support college students whose educational progress has been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Running Strong for American Indian Youth delivered 30,600 pounds of frozen food to the Eagle Butte Food Pantry on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota.

Tribal communities have long looked to their elders to pass along wisdom, customs and traditions, and now, future business leaders from across the nation are banding together in support of their senior members.