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Home > Tribal Law > Resources
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy.
Links to laws and other legal resources.
FindLaw.Com Indian Law Resources
Categorized Indian Law resourced by FindLaw.Com.
This page is designed for Indian law practitioners, Tribes or tribal members, law students, and anyone interested in Indian law.
Indian Law: An Overview
Excellent collection of resources on Indian law, brought to you by the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School.
Indian Law Resources
Documents and links, brough to you by Pechanga.Net, California Indian Gaming News.
Native American & Aboriginal Law
Native American & Aboriginal Law research links by the New England School of Law.
Native American Law Project
Resourced by the Washburn University School of Law.
NativeWeb Native Law News Digest
Links to news stories. Updated regularly!
NativeWeb Native Law Resources
Indigenous peoples' law and legal issues, with news summaries, cases, speeches, web links, and more.
Information, case law and resources for and about Indians and Native American legal issues.
New York Indian Law
Bibiliographies and information on Indian law in the state of New York. By the University at Buffalo.
The U.S. Government & Indigenous Sovereignty
Links to resources about Indigenous law on the web.

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