'A lot of Native American people do not want to be looked at as a sidekick, a caricature or a stereotype,' says Apache artist and activist Douglas Miles.
Is the Washington professional football team name racist? Yes. It’s racist!
As Native American youth, we are powerful. We are resilient, we are unbroken, and we will be silenced no more.
We stand as Inuit who are outraged, who are hurt by the use of the word 'Eskimos.' And we too hope for a better tomorrow.
Events that normally take place annually in Rapid City and the Black Hills have joined the evolving conversation of whether or not to host patrons amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leaders of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe have canceled a slew of events this summer, all due to the coronavirus.
After being punished by the Department of Energy for speaking out against racist mascots, Jody Tallbear has reached a settlement in her case.
Michelle Tom, a basketball standout from the Navajo Nation, is treating coronavirus patients in an underfunded community hospital on the reservation.
The cancellation of the Native American Basketball Invitational means more to that community than simply taking a summer off from playing ball.
Being all of 6 years old, Zak Hoops just couldn’t understand why the college powwows he typically attends and where he performs the grass dance were being canceled.
The first annual Native American Elite Middle and High School Basketball Nationals is taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Tribes, organizations and enterprises in Indian Country are trying to conduct business and mitigate fears about the coronavirus.
Olympic gold medalist Billy Mills announced the sixth class of American Indian youth to receive $10,000 Dreamstarter grants for projects that help them bring their dreams to life.
At least 19 public high schools across Connecticut use names like 'Indians' and 'Chiefs' and even 'Redmen.'
One of the most blatant displays of abject racism took place at the NFL Playoff Football game pitting Kansas City against the Tennessee Titans a couple of Saturdays ago.
As Native students bounced basketballs and veterans carrying flags lined up for grand entry, a documentary film crew took to the court to honor the late Rick Hill, a leader from the Oneida Nation.
Following his retirement from the U.S. Marine Corps, Dion Reynolds brought his military experience back to Rosebud to change the lives of reservation youth.
Racial taunts directed at a girls volleyball team from the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community reflect the larger societal issue of Native American oppression.
The Mountain Crow Relay Team from Montana has returned to the circuit in a big way.
By showcasing their Indigenous identity, the fighting cholitas of Bolivia have achieved more popularity than the men.
The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians announced a major development on tribal land in downtown Palm Springs, California.
Marty Waukazoo is arguably the greatest basketball player the Lakota nation has ever produced.
If hockey is to bring people together and foster what’s best about Canada, it needs to reckon with a history of racism and settler colonialism.
Jeremiah Janis was pepper-sprayed and tasered by police officers in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Sequoyah High School remains the educational home for our youth and is a magnet for the best and brightest in Cherokee Nation and Indian Country.
Are you ready for the Duluth Eskimos? Because someone in the NFL thinks it's 'cool.'
Perhaps it's just a matter of time before another Boston Marathon victory will belong to Indian Country.
If the enduring strength and spirit of the Oglala Lakota Tribe could be embodied in a single person, he would strongly resemble Casey Means.
Stick to the lions, tigers and bears, and leave human beings like Native Americans off your list of mascots for your sports teams.
Haskell Indian Nations University is mourning the loss of Darrian Diwayan, a basketball standout from the Pueblo of Laguna.
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