Cherokee Nation
Cherokee culture is best protected when it’s celebrated and shared.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
The fact that Native people in Oklahoma have a 17-year shorter life expectancy than our non-Indigenous neighbors is more than a statistic — it represents countless lives cut short.

Tom Cole
From the mid-seventeenth century till the early twentieth century, Indian boarding schools were used as a tool to assimilate Native children away from their rich culture.

Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation strives to be a great place to work, because we want the best and brightest to serve our community.

Cherokee Nation
Juneteenth marks a joyous moment in American history — the final emancipation of enslaved African Americans.

Cherokee Nation
Cherokees are stewards of many proud traditions, from our art, music and festivities to our language, patriotism and spirit of Gadugi.

The beating heart of Cherokee culture is when we can interact face to face with other Cherokees, appreciating and learning from each other across generations.

Cherokee Nation
Together, we are improving the spiritual, mental and physical health of Cherokee Nation citizens of all ages.

Remember The Removal Bike Ride
The Remember the Removal Bike Ride is one of the most valuable cultural activities Cherokee Nation supports, deeply connecting youthful Cherokees to our history.

Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation is a leader for Indian Country and the best in model in Oklahoma for how a government can uplift its citizens.

Oversight Hearing 'Examining the President’s FY 2025 Budget Request for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, and Office of Insular Affairs.'
The House Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs holds an oversight hearing titled “Examining the President’s FY 2025 Budget Request for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, and Office of Insular Affairs.”

Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation leads in growing the economy, creating jobs, and improving the well-being not just for our citizens — but for all of northeast Oklahoma.

Cherokee Nation
We are committed to building an inclusive government where individuals with autism are supported and embraced

Chuck Hoskin
Oklahoma’s creation must be taught alongside all the grim and dark history of U.S. tribal relations.

Cherokee Nation Earth Day
Cherokee Nation is leading by example to foster a sustainable future, both locally and globally, for generations to come.

Cherokee Nation
Osteoarthritis affects millions of people nationwide, and unfortunately American Indians have among the highest prevalence in the country.

Cherokee Nation
For Native peoples, maintaining our language is synonymous with sustaining our identity and our very way of life.

Cherokee Nation
According to the most recent data, 1 in 5 children in Oklahoma is living in poverty, and more than 180,000 kids in this state can’t always get enough nutritious food.

Owasso, Oklahoma
In our collective efforts, we will continue to advocate for the safety and well-being of all Native children.

We will not only nurture talent but also secure a brighter future for the Cherokee Nation.

Cherokee Nation
Every part of the Cherokee Nation should be a place where Cherokees can thrive.

Connected Learning Center - Cherokee Nation
As we empower our rural and underserved communities, Cherokee Nation is building a brighter, more connected future for our citizens in northeast Oklahoma.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
For the good of all Oklahoma, it’s time to leave behind a 19th century mindset and recognize that Cherokee Nation and other tribes bring huge benefits for the state.

Rhonda LeValdo
The Kansas City football team must change its name and imagery.

Cherokee Nation
To survive and thrive, Cherokee must grow beyond the classroom, into our daily interactions and the fabric of our lives.

Cherokee Nation
Cherokee minds can change the world. That’s been true throughout our history, and it’s just as true today.

Chuck Hoskin
Cherokee Nation is working toward the day when no child ever has to wonder where their next meal is coming from, and no parent ever has to worry that they can’t provide healthy nutrition for their kids.

Wounded Knee
“I have never heard of a more brutal, cold-blooded massacre than at Wounded Knee,” an Army general wrote of the killings of more than 400 Lakota people on December 29, 1890.

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
As we come together this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I hope we can all reflect on his life and ideals.

Chuck Hoskin
Cross-deputization helps solve the great challenge of multiple law enforcement agencies exercising their respective authority over the same geographic area.

Cherokee Nation
When the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed tribal jurisdiction over our reservations in eastern Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation was quick to push forward with a transformative vision for our criminal justice system.

Cherokee Nation
Like many tribes, the Cherokee Nation operates a Tribal Employment Rights Office program to prioritize contracting with businesses that are owned by and employ Native people.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
The White House Tribal Nations Summit is a testament to our government-to-government relationship with the United States.

National Day of Mourning
Too often, K-12 social studies classes in the U.S. teach a mostly glossed-over story of U.S. settlement.

Wounded Knee
Since Columbus arrived in 1492, we have been struggling to protect our communities, our way of life and Mother Earth.

Tom Cole
As the longest serving Native American in the U.S. House of Representatives, the privilege and honor it is to represent the interests of tribes in Congress is certainly not lost on me.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
Cherokees have always creatively pursued economic partnerships, from our first trade treaties to our modern international business operations.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
A state-recognized tribe is not an Indian tribe. And a member of one of these groups is not an Indian.

Tom Cole
With only eight weeks left in the year, members of Congress certainly have our work cut out for us

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
With more than 11,000 active patients, Cherokee Nation operates the country’s largest Special Diabetes Program for Indians.