Home > News > Narragansett Smoke Shop Feud

July 21, 2003

Call for federal probe supported by some

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-Calif.), in a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft last Thursday, asked for the Department of Justice to review the raid, citing a long history of conflicts between the tribe and the state. But not everyone is ready to support it. Attorney general Patrick Lynch has concerns about its scope and who would handle it, a spokesperson said. And Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.), whose father authored the infamous rider that forbids the tribe from going through the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act for a casino, doesn't think it's necessary. The tribe has welcomed the move.
CONGRESSIONAL LEADER SEEKS FEDERAL RAID PROBE (The Westerly Sun 7/19) | Feds eye probe into smoke shop raid (AP 7/19)

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