Home > News > Narragansett Smoke Shop Feud

July 21, 2003

Review: A minus for Gov. Carcieri, a plus for tribe

Providence Journal political columnist M. Charles Bakst summarizes what he calls an "extraordinary week in Rhode Island politics" nothing that it was a tough ordeal for Gov. Donald Carcieri and the Narragansett Tribe. But Carcieri, it seems, has come out looking worse politically. For one thing, Carcieri shrugged off an independent inquiry of the raid on Monday. Then on Tuesday, he ordered two probes, Bakst notes. On Wednesday, Carcieri was the target of a tongue-lashing by attorney general Patrick Lynch, who said the governor was unfairly scapegoating the state police. So by the time the tribe held its well-attended unity rally on Thursday, Carcieri's apology didn't mean too much. "It's a minus for the governor. It's a plus for the Native Americans," state Rep. Joe Almeida said. Carcieri's assessments in The New London Day aren't rosier. "It's his first major political blunder," University of Rhode Island political science professor Marc Genest says.
M. Charles Bakst: For tribe, Carcieri, a stinging ordeal (The Providence Journal 7/20) Username: indianz@indianz.com, Password: indianz | Carcieri Feels Heat Over Raid On Smoke Shop (The New London Day 7/20)

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