Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
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Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe

Attachment Description

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe broke ground on Kenténha/October 16, 2023 for the first set of family homes to be built on reclaimed treaty land. Joining in the event were (front row, from left) former-Tribal Chief Eric Thompson, Tribal Chief Michael Conners, Sub-Chief Benjamin Herne, Tribal Chief Beverly Cook, Sub-Chief Derrick King, Tribal Chief Ron LaFrance, Sub-Chief Agnes “Sweets” Jacobs, Assistant Executive Director Starr Thomas, and Executive Director Tsiorasa Barreiro; (Back row, from left) Home Improvement Program Foreman Lawrence Thomas and Calvin Leaf, along with Home Improvement Division Director Jamie Bay. Photo courtesy Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe

Originally Uploaded
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
