H.R.548 – Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act
Posted: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
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The U.S. House of Representatives considers H.R.548, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act, on February 6, 2023.

The bill places about 76 acres in Tennessee into trust for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. The land includes significant cultural and historic properties that were once part of the Cherokee Nation but are currently managed by the federal government.

“It has been far too long,” said Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tennessee), the sponsor of H.R.548. “The Eastern Band of Cherokee have been waiting and had a lot of promises made to them over the years which have been broken. This a great bill for America, and it is a great bill that we honor our wonderful Eastern Band of Cherokees.”

The bill was considered under a suspension of the rules, a process typically used for legislation that is non-controversial. It was approved by a voice vote.

H.R.548, or a companion version, must be considered and passed by the U.S. Senate before the bill can become law.

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