FDA launches campaign to address E-cigarette use among Native youth
Posted: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
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The Food and Drug Administration announces the launch of the “Next Legends” Youth E-cigarette Prevention Campaign in an online webinar on June 8, 2022.
The campaign is part of the FDA’s ongoing efforts to protect youth from the dangers of tobacco use. “Next Legends” aims to educate American Indian/Alaska Native youth, ages 12-17, about the harms of vaping and other electronic tobacco devices.
“E-cigarettes are the most used tobacco product among youth, and they pose serious health risks if used during adolescence, when the brain is still developing,” Michele Mital, the acting director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said in a news release.
“Next Legends builds on the success of previous youth e-cigarette prevention campaigns while also addressing health disparities among Native Americans and Alaska Natives associated with tobacco use,” Mital said of the initiative, which includes a number of online components. “Communicating with Native youth through culturally-aligned messages will help these youth make informed decisions about healthy behavior, including being vape-free.”
The webinar goes live at 1pm Eastern.
Robert M. Califf, M.D., FDA Commissioner
Michele Mital, Acting Director of the Center for Tobacco Products, FDA
Gem Benoza, Campaign Director for the Office of Health Communication and Education Center for Tobacco Products, FDA
Dr. Loretta Christensen, Chief Medical Officer with the Indian Health Service and member of the Navajo Nation
Cheyenne Brady, Senior Programs Manager at the Center for Native American Youth and member of the Sac & Fox Nation
Triston Black, Youth Leader with “Champions for Change” at the Center for Native American Youth and member of the Navajo Nation
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