Yet as Oneida Chairman Tehassi Hill pointed out, it's "business as usual" for his people. The Big Apple Fest, though canceled this year, will continue to operate under tribal law as it always has been, with little changes noticeable to the general public. Prior federal court rulings in favor of the reservation have not upended life on the reservation. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation also has continued to operate business as usual in the wake of McGirt. Despite the historic nature of the ruling, Chief David Hill has said the tribe will still work on a government-to-government basis with fellow sovereigns to address any issues that might arise. At the same time, the Creeks have faced pressure to join an "agreement-in-principle" regarding potential Congressional legislation. Chief Hill has disavowed the effort but he supports attempts by Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) to ensure that public safety remains protected. "AG Hunter characterized our situation as unique," Hill said in a statement on Monday. "But we are proud to say that there are actually reservations across the country similarly cooperating with local towns and local businesses. However we do recognize that each situation has it’s own unique circumstances which is why we believe a rush to seek one-size-fits-all legislation, especially legislation that hasn’t gone through regular order, is the absolute wrong approach.”"By definition, historic decisions upend the way things have been done": Chief David Hill of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation remains committed to working with fellow sovereigns in response to the Supreme Court's landmark #HonorTheTreaties ruling.
— (@indianz) August 3, 2020
McGirt v. Oklahoma
Sharp v. Murphy
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