McGirt v. Oklahoma | U.S. Supreme CourtWatch a replay of the historic U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in McGirt v. Oklahoma! With the nation's highest court closed due to the #COVID19 pandemic, case was heard via teleconference on May 11, 2020. The outcome will impact the sovereign status of millions of acres of land promised to Indian Nations in eastern #Oklahoma. Audio and Transcript: Oyez, www.oyez.org/cases/2019/18-9526 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Posted by Indianz.Com on Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Chickasaw Nation also applauded the decision. A statement shared by Governor Bill Anoatubby, the tribe's long-time leader, highlighted a passage in Gorsuch's opinion that commended tribes and the state of Oklahoma for proving "they can work success fully together as partners." "Regardless of any court ruling, far more unites us than ever separates us, and the Chickasaw Nation looks forward to continuing its cooperation and collaborative partnerships with state and local law enforcement to ensure public safety and well-being throughout Oklahoma," the statement read. But where tribes and at least the state government saw opportunities, other politicians from Oklahoma found problems. None of them outright congratulated the Muscogee (Creek) Nation on the treaty rights victory, with lawmakers choosing to focus on different and even unrelated aspects of the case."I agree with Justice Gorsuch’s opinion today that the United States government should be held to its treaty obligations, & its word": Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. on #SupremeCourt win in #McGirt. #HonorTheTreaties @ChuckHoskin_Jr @CherokeeNationhttps://t.co/F2B9u3r1MF pic.twitter.com/qwVyqh67nt
— indianz.com (@indianz) July 9, 2020
"I have no doubt we can work together with state officials, tribal organizations and the delegation to find a workable solution for everyone that ensures criminals are prosecuted and brought to justice in the most appropriate manner," said Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), without saying what "solution" he was looking to fix. “The work will continue in the days ahead to clarify a framework for criminal and civil regulatory jurisdiction that provides consistency and predictability for all people living and doing business within the state," added Sen. James Lankford (R), who serves on the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. But he did not explain why civil issues need to be addressed in what had been solely a case of which authorities -- tribal, federal and state -- can prosecute criminal offenses committed by Indians within the boundaries of the Creek Reservation. A joint statement from the five members of Oklahoma's delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives came across just as muddy. Even though two tribal citizens -- Rep. Tom Cole (R), who is Chickasaw, and Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R), who is Cherokee -- signed onto it, all they could muster was a need to "both affirm tribal sovereignty and ensure safety and justice for all Oklahomans.” "We are reviewing the decision carefully and stand ready to work with both tribal and state officials to ensure stability and consistency in applying law that brings all criminals to justice," Cole and Mullin wrote, along with Rep. Kevin Hern (R), Rep. Frank Lucas (R) and Rep. Kendra Horn (D).In wake of #McGirt, Oklahoma politicians are avoiding the obvious: Admitting that reservation promised to Muscogee (Creek) Nation by treaty still exists. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R): "We have a duty to all American citizens to uphold the Constitution and stand up for victim’s rights." pic.twitter.com/1mqVZ4bNIw
— indianz.com (@indianz) July 9, 2020
Later in the day, the sole Democratic member Horn said on social media that she was still reviewing the decision. But she added: "We must keep promises made to Tribal Nations." Lawmakers from a neighboring state were far more pronounced in embracing the significance of McGirt. Rep. Deb Haaland (D-New Mexico), who is one of the first two Native women to serve in the House, called the decision a benchmark for the unique legal and political relationship between tribal nations and the United States government. “This country was founded on indigenous land and the United States government signed binding treaties with Tribes, but the federal government’s actions demonstrate a lack of respect and breach of those agreements made with Native Nations," Haaland, who is a citizen of the Pueblo of Laguna, said in her statement. "Today’s Supreme Court decision affirms the obligation to honor treaties and sets an important precedent to affirm the rights Tribes have to lands that belong to them. “As we move forward addressing longstanding broken promises, this decision will serve as a marker to ensure the federal government honors its promises to Native Nations," Haaland added."On the far end of the Trail of Tears was a promise. We are asked whether the land these treaties promised remains an Indian reservation for purposes of federal criminal law. Because Congress has not said otherwise, we hold the government to its word." Justice Gorsuch
— The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma (@SeminoleNation_) July 9, 2020
Sen. Tom Udall (D-New Mexico), the vice chairman of the Senate Committee of Indian Affairs, hailed the "landmark victory for Indian Country." "The Supreme Court has affirmed that a promise is a promise: that treaties between the United States and tribes are the law of the land – no matter how many times the federal government has violated those treaties in the past – and that lands reserved for tribes remain Indian Country, now and in the future," said Udall. "While no court decision can correct centuries of injustice committed against Indigenous people, today’s ruling is a historic step forward to safeguard tribal sovereignty for decades to come.” Indian law experts also embraced the victory. Gavin Clarkson, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation, credited Gorsuch's presence with finally bringing resolution to the dispute, which has been on the Supreme Court's radar for more than two years. "Fortunately for Indian Country, Gorsuch’s opinion clearly demonstrated adherence to the notion that judges should always start with the law as actually written, not as they wish it had been," said Clarkson, who formerly served in the Donald Trump administration but did have a role in the handling of the case. "His opinion also reminds us of the history of government actions -- including Supreme Court decisions -- that have done otherwise." "His description of what would, and often does, happen when governments don’t follow the law shows that he fully understands his role as a Supreme Court Justice," added Clarkson, who recently sought the Republican nomination for an open U.S. Senate seat in New Mexico. Forrest Tahdooahnippah, another Indian law expert, highlighted Gorsuch as well. Since joining the Supreme Court three years ago, the justice has already written an opinion affirming treaty rights in one case and provided a crucial vote for upholding treaty rights in another. "The long term implications of McGirt are a solidification and entrenchment of the law regarding interpretation of treaties between the United States and Indian tribes," said Tahdooahnippah, who is a citizen of the Comanche Nation, also based in Oklahoma. "McGirt confirms that Congressional intent, and clear Congressional action in particular, is required to alter Indian treaties." "From this perspective, Justice Gorsuch’s opinion is a continuation of a trend seen during his tenure toward affirmation of treaty rights by the Supreme Court," said Tahdooahnippah.Sen. Tom Udall (D-New Mexico): "This decision is a landmark victory for Indian Country, upholding the United States’ treaty obligations to the Creek Nation of Oklahoma and treaty Tribes across the country." #McGirt #HonorTheTreaties @SenatorTomUdallhttps://t.co/VsyLd40ZAv pic.twitter.com/ohbnANoCom
— indianz.com (@indianz) July 9, 2020

McGirt v. Oklahoma
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