Hundreds of people took part in a Black Lives Matter demonstration at the U.S. Capitol complex in Washington, D.C., on June 6, 2020. Photo by Indianz.Com (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Rep. Markwayne Mullin: Together, we will get through this

Our country is hurting.

The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed more than 100,000 lives and put more than 40 million Americans out of work. Small businesses across the country have had to shut their doors and some of them may never reopen. Oklahomans are tough and resilient and are anxiously awaiting a return to normal.

As our country began to see the light at the end of the tunnel of the pandemic, we were hit with another tragedy which should have never happened. It sparked protests, including some in our communities, and conversations across the U.S. which need to be had. Sadly, rioters, looters and thieves have taken advantage of the situation and incited violence, wreaking havoc on cities.

We find ourselves in a perfect storm. People have been pent up for months and this tragedy has exposed issues we still struggle with as a country. Even if it feels like we are at a breaking point, we live in the greatest country on Earth and still have many things to be thankful for.

We are thankful we are a country of possibilities. We have encountered many challenges throughout our history, but every time we emerge stronger and better because of them. Americans always rise to the occasion and overcome even the greatest obstacles.

We are thankful we are a God-fearing country. When there is suffering, we turn to the Lord for comfort and strength. We often pray for our leaders that God gives them wisdom they need to make the best decisions for our country. Our national motto is “In God We Trust” and we know through Him, we can do all things.

In Oklahoma, we are thankful we live by the Oklahoma Standard. No matter the situation, neighbors will always help neighbors through tough times.

Throughout the pandemic, our rallying cry has been “we’re all in this together.” That could not be truer than it is today. Every day when I wake up and do my devotion, I say “love the people, love the call.” I love this state, this country and the people in it. I am confident we will get through this together and come out stronger.

Markwayne Mullin, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, was first elected to serve the people of Oklahoma’s Second Congressional District in November 2012. He is currently serving his fourth term in office. Mullin and his wife Christie have six children. The Mullin family currently resides in Westville, Oklahoma, on the same family farm where Markwayne was raised.

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