Trump thinks that all Americans are as stupid as some of his idiotic supporters in the MAGA hats waving Confederate and Nazi flags. It makes any American with common sense wonder how we have fallen so far backward. Most Native Americans have always known of the stupid bigotry lurking behind every bush out there, but it took a man who believes exactly as they do to bring out the hidden hate and racism. So many Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Muslims have gone to the front lines in an effort to eliminate racial and religious prejudice in this country and yet we can see all of that progress flushed down the drain every time spouts off at one of his rallies. We can be thankful for one thing from this Coronavirus epidemic; the elimination of large crowds gathering for any event have been shut down and with that shutdown we have also shut down the outrageous rallies held by Trump and we know that if this had not happened he would be out there nearly every week preaching his lies and hatred.The state is supposed to facilitate voter registration, but that's not what is happening in South Dakota. Reservation residents in particular are not being given this opportunity, and it is driving down voter participation.--Staff Attorney Natalie Landreth
— NARF (@NDNrights) May 22, 2020
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