Donald Trump then moved into the White House, even appointed an Alaska Native, Tara Sweeney (Inupiaq) as the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Department of the Interior. She reviewed the case and reversed the decision made in 2015 and set in motion to remove the Mashpee Wampanoag land from trust status. Furthermore, the courts upheld Sweeney's decision amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, many tribes have not held a popular opinion of Tara Sweeney over her handling of many Indian Country matters. She is currently under fire for allegedly preparing to misappropriate funds intended for all of Indian Country. So it is at this point, I come to Indian Country yet again. I ask that you click the link below and sign this petition to push the U.S. Senate to pass H.R.312 to reaffirm the Mashpee Wampanoag Reservation as federal land AND pass H.R.375 to allow the DOI to place tribal land into federal trust, regardless of when the tribe received federal recognition status, as the IRA intended. If you've already signed it, now share with others to also sign it. #StandWithMashpee #CleancarcieriFix Pass HR 312 and HR 375: Kutaputush (Thank You)The Supreme Court's Carcieri ruling has created an unfair, immoral obstacle to many tribes. Sign Brian Lightfoot Brown's petition and let Congress know it's time for a fix. @UrbanN8VWarrior
— (@indianz) October 1, 2018
Brian Lightfoot Brown is an enrolled citizen of the Narragansett Tribe. This opinion is his own.
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