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Indian Health Service - Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment
Rapid City IHS Health Center Supplemental Environmental Assessment
The following notice, date December 26, 27 and 28, 2019, announces proposed modifications at the Sioux San Campus in Rapid City, South Dakota. The Indian Health Service is proposing to demolish most of the buildings on the campus and build a new health care facility on the site.
Notice of Availability Rapid City IHS Health Center Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment
The Great Plains Area Indian Health Service (IHS) is proposing modifications to its facility at the Sioux San Campus in Rapid City, SD to improve healthcare services provided to multiple tribes in the region. The IHS proposes to remove many of the existing buildings at their Sioux San facility and in their place construct a new health care facility approximately 203,500 square feet in size (the Project).
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the IHS has prepared the Draft Rapid City IHS Health Center Supplemental Environmental Assessment. This document evaluates the potential impacts on the human and natural environment of the proposed Project and the No Action Alternative.
The IHS is announcing the availability of this Draft Supplemental EA and the Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for public review and comment. IHS will be accepting comments on the Draft Supplemental EA and Draft FONSI until January 31, 2020. The IHS will use the comments it receives to make a decision on which alternative to select.
Written comments can be submitted to:
Dayton Newbrough, Facility Engineer
IHS Sioux San Facility
3200 Canyon Lake Drive
Rapid City, SD, 57702
or to Dayton.Newbrough@ihs.gov Copies of the Draft Supplemental EA and Draft FONSI are available for review at: Rapid City Public Library, Downtown Branch, 610 Quincy Street
Copyright permission Native Sun News Today
Dayton Newbrough, Facility Engineer
IHS Sioux San Facility
3200 Canyon Lake Drive
Rapid City, SD, 57702
or to Dayton.Newbrough@ihs.gov Copies of the Draft Supplemental EA and Draft FONSI are available for review at: Rapid City Public Library, Downtown Branch, 610 Quincy Street
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