Mullin' It Over
Patients Need Affordable, High Quality Health Care
The cost of prescription drugs has gotten out of control and Americans are paying way too much for life-saving treatments. This is a serious issue that, like too many things in Washington, has been caught up with politics.
This week, the House will consider Nancy Pelosi’s partisan drug pricing plan. H.R.3 is nothing more than government-controlled health care. This legislation would result in fewer cures, less innovation, and even tax cures.
If pharmaceutical companies don’t comply with what the government demands, they would be taxed 95% of their revenues. This could lead to as many as 100 fewer drugs entering the U.S. market in the coming future.
Think of all the diseases -- like cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS -- all awaiting a cure. What if one of those was never discovered because of this bill?
Not only is this scheme bad policy, it will never become law. House Republicans have been working in a bipartisan way to find real solutions to lower the cost of health care. H.R.19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, encourages innovation to find new cures, champions competition to lower prices, and strengthens transparency and accountability. If Pelosi Democrats were serious about getting this done, they would bring this bipartisan proposal to the floor.
Lowering the cost of prescription drugs has been a priority for President Trump and he has said time and time again that he wants to work with Congress to deliver results. Unfortunately, Pelosi Democrats have put politics ahead of progress at every turn. Patients need affordable, high quality health care and it’s time for Congress to get it done.
Markwayne Mullin, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, was
first elected to serve the people of Oklahoma’s Second Congressional District in
November 2012. He is currently serving his fourth term in office. Mullin and his
wife Christie have six children. The Mullin family currently resides in
Westville, Oklahoma, on the same family farm where Markwayne was raised.
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