Vice President Darla Black of the Oglala Sioux Tribe addresses a rally for the Violence Against Women Act at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2019. Photo by Indianz.Com (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

OST VP faces impeachment hearing

PINE RIDGE — The Vice President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, Darla Black, is facing an impeachment hearing later this month after she was accused of creating a hostile work environment.

The hearing is set for November 25 at the Prairie Wind Casino.
Three former employees of Darla Black say she was verbally abusive, texted them late at night and made them run errands that were not related to work.

Black has declined to comment on the accusations until her hearing.

Black will be ousted if two-thirds of the 21-member tribal council agrees to impeach her. The hearing comes after the majority of council members recently voted to suspend Black with pay after receiving complaints from the three former employees.

Darla Black - Complaints
From Indianz.Com:
Darla Black has posted on social media four letters of complaints against her. The complainants, all current and former tribal employees, accuse Black of sexual harassment, verbal harassment, "mental abuse" and other "abusive" behaviors, both in the workplace and during after hours. The complaints originate from women employees of the tribe.

Complaint 1 | Complant 2 | Complaint 3 | Complaint 4

Darla Black also posted a November 4 letter in which she was informed of the "impeachment/complaint hearing" against her. In a separate post, she provided the roll call of the tribal council vote to suspend her.


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