Mullin' It Over: It’s Time for Real Leadership, Not Political Games
Under the guidance of President Trump, our nation continues to make the world a safer, freer, and more prosperous place.
While Pelosi Democrats are busy playing politics on Capitol Hill with secret impeachment proceedings and closed-door hearings, our president is hard at work for the American people. This leadership is what our country and the world needs.
Our men and women in uniform have diligently pursued ISIS and other terror organizations across the globe. Our nation has made incredible strides in defeating the threat that terrorism poses to our country, our families, and our way of life.
Just last week our nation located and brought the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to justice. Days later, they also found his likely successor and completed that mission. Regardless of what is happening in Washington, D.C., our men and women in uniform go out each day to uphold our Constitution and protect us from our enemies. I want to thank them and their families for their service to our country.
With the partisan bickering and the attacks our president faces daily from political foes, important missions like this one could have easily been overlooked and sidelined. Instead, his focus remains on what is good for our country and puts its priorities first.
The House of Representatives should take a page out of his playbook and turn our focus back to the American people. Playing political games only distracts us from improving the lives of everyday Americans.

Markwayne Mullin, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, was
first elected to serve the people of Oklahoma’s Second Congressional District in
November 2012. He is currently serving his fourth term in office. Mullin and his
wife Christie have five children: Jim, Andrew, Larra, Ivy, and Lynette. The
Mullin family currently resides in Westville, Oklahoma, on the same family farm
where Markwayne was raised.
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