But for now, tribes and their supporters are welcoming what they read on Friday afternoon, characterizing it as an affirmation of ICWA's mission and as a rebuke of a controversial lower court ruling that placed the law in doubt. "Today’s critical decision by the 5th Circuit reverses a rogue ruling from a lower court and marks a significant victory for Native American children, families and tribes," the California Tribal Families Coalition said in a statement. "This victory will ensure tribal children will remain with their tribes and connected to their culture and heritage." California is home to the largest population of Native Americans in the nation and to a large number of ICWA cases. But unlike his counterparts on the other side of the issue, Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a Democrat, showed that protecting Indian children is not a partisan issue. As part of Brackeen, he led a bipartisan coalition of colleagues in 21 states in defense of the law. "For more than 40 years, this landmark act has protected the best interests of Native American children and preserved the integrity of tribal families and tribal nations across the country," the statement from the California Tribal Families Coalition read. "As enacted by Congress, ICWA helped reduce the widespread practice of removing Native American children, often without cause and by force, from their families and tribes."Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Reaffirming the Constitutionality of ICWA
— NCAI (@NCAI1944) August 10, 2019
Read the full statement here: https://t.co/LpehoOSMKC#ProudtoProtectICWA #NativeChildren #NativeFamilies #IndigenousDay pic.twitter.com/d0pBHkEPsA
Key members of Congress also stood up for ICWA in a bipartisan fashion. Eight Democrats and Republicans from the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. submitted a brief to the 5th Circuit, urging the court to uphold the constitutionality of the law. "This 5th Circuit decision in Brackeen reaffirms the fundamental principles of Indian law & the Constitution. It ensures the best interests of Native children will continue to be protected," Sen. Tom Udall (D-New Mexico), the vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, said in a social media post on Friday. The high level of attention paid to the case speaks to the unusual way it proceeded. It was purposely filed in a certain federal court in Texas in order to get the complaint before a judge who has a history of striking down federal laws when asked to do so by Republican state officials. "They kind of shopped around for a while to find a court that would side with them," Chairman Tehassi Hill of the Oneida Nation told Indianz.Com after the hearing in March. The tribe is one of the four who intervened in the case after learning of its significance. Judge Reed O'Connor, who was nominated to the bench by George W. Bush, serves on a court where no tribes are based. He also has had little experience in federal Indian law and its principles, as evident in his controversial ruling in the case, which went against decades of precedent and long-standing policy.My colleagues & I filed a bipartisan amicus brief to defend the Indian Child Welfare Act. This 5th Circuit decision in Brackeen reaffirms the fundamental principles of Indian law & the Constitution. It ensures the best interests of Native children will continue to be protected. https://t.co/qI6fHApnAX
— Tom Udall (@SenatorTomUdall) August 9, 2019
The 5th Circuit, with its decision on Friday, corrected the record. Writing for the majority, Judge James L. Dennis said federal Indian laws like ICWA are not based on "race" but instead on the unique government-to-government relationship between the U.S. and tribal nations. "The district court concluded that ICWA’s “Indian Child” definition was a race-based classification," Dennis wrote of O'Connor's ruling. "We conclude that this was error," Dennis continued. The 5th Circuit further affirmed that Congress exercises "plenary power" in the area of Indian affairs, as written in the U.S. Constitution. Laws like ICWA are therefore evidence of the "political" relationship between tribes and the federal government. "Given Congress’s explicit findings and stated objectives in enacting ICWA, we conclude that the special treatment ICWA affords Indian children is rationally tied to Congress’s fulfillment of its unique obligation toward Indian nations and its stated purpose of 'protect[ing] the best interests of Indian children and promot[ing] the stability and security of Indian tribes,'" Denis wrote, quoting directly from the 1978 law.Chairman Tehassi Hill of the Oneida Nation @OneidaNationWI thinks the attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act are the result of some interesting legal maneuvers. The federal judge in Texas who struck down the law has little experience in Indian law or Indian policy, for example. pic.twitter.com/0JNQP7ViXU
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 13, 2019
Overall, the 5th Circuit rebuffed the non-Indian plaintiffs on all four of their substantive arguments, including the authority of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to issue ICWA regulation. The only issue on which they won was technical in nature -- it was the one on standing, or their ability to file the lawsuit in the first place. Officials at the BIA, as well as the Department of the Interior and the Department of Health and Human Services, are named as defendants in the lawsuit. The Trump administration defended ICWA throughout the course of the litigation and sent Eric Grant, an attorney from the Department of Justice, to argue at the hearing in March.Quinault Nation Vice Chairman Tyson Johnston: The Indian Child Welfare Act "has been very successful policy for Indian Country, to right the wrongs of the Indian removal period and make sure that our families remain whole and our nations remain whole." #ProudToProtectICWA pic.twitter.com/yqDRzht181
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 13, 2019
“The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed what we already knew: the Indian Child Welfare Act is constitutional and serves the best interests of children and families. We are pleased that the court followed decades of legal precedent in its ruling, preserving a law that protects Indian children and allows them to retain their identity by staying within their families and tribal communities. “Despite the misguided attacks on the law, today’s ruling speaks for itself. ICWA ensures that we have a process in place focusing first and foremost on the welfare and safety of children. This is why so many Americans from across the political spectrum have supported upholding the law. We want to thank the Trump administration, the Department of Justice, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Eric Grant, and the Department of Interior for their hard work fighting on behalf of children.”

YES! Magazine: Truth and reconciliation for Indian child welfare (June 25, 2019)
Native Sun News Today: Native mother walks to nation's capital for humanity (May 16, 2019)
Fawn Sharp: The attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act cannot stand (March 21, 2019)
Stateline: Indian Child Welfare Act likely headed to Supreme Court (March 19, 2019)
'They are not your children': Future of Indian Child Welfare Act in hands of appeals court (March 14, 2019)
#ProudToProtectICWA: Tribal leaders react to hearing in Indian Child Welfare Act case (March 13, 2019)
AUDIO: 5th Circuit Court of Appeals oral arguments in Brackeen v. Zinke (March 13, 2019)
Indian Country asks appeals court to protect #NativeChildren in critical case (March 13, 2019)
Appeals court schedules lengthy hearing in Indian Child Welfare Act case (March 11, 2019)
Bill John Baker: Stand strong and stand up for our Native children (March 11, 2019)
Tribes push back as Indian Child Welfare Act case heats up (February 7, 2019)
Tribal nations present united front in Indian Child Welfare Act case (January 22, 2019)
Indian health law killed by same judge behind Indian Child Welfare Act ruling (December 17, 2018)
Cronkite News: Tribes on 'pins and needles' in Indian Child Welfare Act case (November 13, 2018)
Court puts hold on controversial Indian Child Welfare Act ruling (December 4, 2018)
March held in honor of Native children lost in foster care (November 22, 2018)
Sherry Treppa: Court decision threatens the Indian Child Welfare Act (October 29, 2018)
'Intentional and direct attack': Tribes vow fight for Indian Child Welfare Act (October 25, 2018)
More tribal leaders criticize ruling in Indian Child Welfare Act case (October 10, 2018)
Indian Country outraged by decision in Indian Child Welfare Act case (October 8, 2018)
Judge strikes down Indian Child Welfare Act in contested ruling (October 5, 2018)
Tribes help bring down barriers to Indian Child Welfare Act (October 3, 2018)
Advocates weigh next move in Indian Child Welfare Act case (September 26, 2018)
Court strikes down landmark Indian Child Welfare Act ruling (September 18, 2018)
Appeals court won't rule on challenge to Indian Child Welfare Act (August 7, 2018)
Conservative group claims victory in Indian Child Welfare Act case (March 15, 2018)
Graham Lee Brewer: Attacks on Indian Child Welfare Act are real (March 13, 2018)
High Country News: Indian Child Welfare Act under conservative fire (March 6, 2018)
Supreme Court turns away another conservative attack on Indian Child Welfare Act (February 21, 2018)
Tribes battle state of South Dakota over removal of Indian children (February 19, 2018)
Indian Child Welfare Act under attack again as conservative group submits appeal to Supreme Court (December 12, 2017)
'Stand up, fight back!' -- Annual march to honor lost Native children continues (November 23, 2017)
Cronkite News: Tribal advocates welcome action on Indian Child Welfare Act case (November 1, 2017)
Supreme Court won't take up race-based challenge to Indian Child Welfare Act (October 30, 2017)
Non-Indian parents file lawsuit to halt transfer of child custody cases to tribes (October 11, 2017)
Conservative group launches another attack on Indian Child Welfare Act (July 24, 2017)